NBEO Part 2 exam study resources
What is The NBEO Part II exam
The NBEO Part II exam is a challenging test that assesses your clinical knowledge and skills in optometry. It consists of 350 multiple-choice questions, divided into two sessions of 175 questions each. The questions are based on patient cases that cover various topics such as ophthalmic optics, contact lenses, ocular disease, pharmacology, and more. The exam also includes an embedded TMOD (Treatment and Management of Ocular Disease) section, which consists of about 120 questions that focus on diagnosis and treatment of ocular conditions.
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Where are NBEO exams administered?
NBEO examinations are administered at test centers in the USA, Puerto Rico, and Canada only.
The Format and Timing of the Part II Exam
The exam is two sessions in length administered on a single day, each session consisting of 175 items. Candidates will have 3.5 hours to complete each session. The morning session includes an additional 15 minutes devoted to a tutorial and the reading and signing of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). There is an optional break of up to 45 minutes between the morning and afternoon sessions.
The earliest date for a student candidate to take the Part II exam is the December administration during the candidate’s academic year of graduation, thereby allowing two opportunities to sit for the exam prior to graduation.
The Part II PAM Patient Assessment & Management exam assesses candidates’ clinical thinking and decision-making with a particularly heavy emphasis on diagnosis and treatment.
The Part II PAM examination consists of 350 items, approximately 120 of which are categorized as TMOD items (see Embedded TMOD Exam link on this page). The exam is two sessions in length administered on a single day, each session consisting of 175 items. Candidates will have 3.5 hours to complete each session. The morning session includes an additional 15 minutes devoted to a tutorial and the reading and signing of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). There is an optional break of up to 45 minutes between the morning and afternoon sessions.
The earliest date for a student candidate to take the Part II exam is the December administration during the candidate’s academic year of graduation, thereby allowing two opportunities to sit for the exam prior to graduation.
The examination is in an image-intensive, case-based format. Each case consists of a patient presentation including demographic data, chief and secondary complaints, personal and family ocular and medical history, and clinical findings. Between 3 and 6 items will be included in each case.
Items on the exam are targeted to assess entry-level competence. Therefore, cases generally focus on either typical presentation of relatively high frequency conditions or conditions with low frequency but high criticality. When low frequency, high criticality cases are presented, they will be portrayed in a pathognomonic manner.
NBEO part II exam fee

nbeo registration
To register for an exam, click here.
How to Prepare for the NBEO Part II Exam?
To pass the NBEO Part II exam, you need to study hard and smart. Here are some tips and resources that can help you prepare for this important exam:
Review the exam content and format
Before you start studying, you should familiarize yourself with the exam content and format. You can find detailed information about the exam on the NBEO website, including the exam blueprint, sample questions, scoring policies, and test day procedures. You should also review the computer-based testing candidate agreement and the ethics policy that you will need to sign before taking the exam.
Make a study plan and schedule
The NBEO Part II exam covers a lot of material, so you need to plan your study time wisely. You should make a realistic study plan and schedule that suits your learning style and goals. You should also set a target score and track your progress along the way.
Some factors to consider when making your study plan are:
- How much time do you have before the exam?
- How well do you know the exam topics?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- How do you learn best?
- What resources do you have access to?
- A good study plan should include:
A list of topics and subtopics to review
- A prioritization of topics based on their importance and difficulty
- A breakdown of study sessions by duration, frequency, and content
- A mix of active and passive learning methods
- A variety of study materials and sources
- A method of self-assessment and feedback
- Use high-quality study materials and sources
- There are many study materials and sources available for the NBEO Part II exam, but not all of them are equally useful or reliable. You should choose high-quality study materials and sources that are relevant, accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive.
Some examples of high-quality study materials and sources for NBEO Part II are:
- [KMK Optometry]: This is a popular online course that provides lectures, videos, flashcards, quizzes, practice tests, and more for the NBEO Part II exam. It also includes a TMOD-specific course that covers all the TMOD topics in detail.
- [Optoprep]: This is another online course that offers question banks, practice tests, flashcards, performance reports, and more for the NBEO Part II exam. It also has a TMOD-specific question bank that covers all the TMOD topics in depth.
- Opthametry: An Eye care blog with quizzes, articles and recent eye care news.
- Nbeo Part II Study Guide: This is a comprehensive book that covers all the topics tested on the NBEO Part II exam in a concise and organized manner. It also includes tips, tricks, mnemonics, tables, charts, diagrams, and more to help you remember the key points.
- [Review of Optometry]: This is a monthly magazine that provides articles, case reports, clinical pearls, drug updates, and more on various optometry topics. It also has an online archive where you can access past issues and articles.
- [Optometric Management]: This is another monthly magazine that focuses on practice management, business development, clinical care, and professional growth for optometrists. It also has an online archive where you can access past issues and articles.
- [Clinical Optometry]: This is an open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, case reports, editorials, and more on various aspects of clinical optometry. It also has an online archive where you can access past issues and articles.
- [Optometry Times]: This is an online platform that provides news, opinions, blogs, podcasts, videos, webinars, and more on various optometry topics. It also has a newsletter where you can subscribe to receive updates and alerts.
Study actively and effectively for NBEO Part II
Studying for the NBEO Part II exam requires more than just reading or watching lectures. You need to study actively and effectively to enhance your retention and comprehension of the material. You should also use different learning methods to reinforce your knowledge and skills.
Some examples of active and effective learning methods are:
- Taking notes: Taking notes helps you organize your thoughts, summarize the main points, highlight the important details, and review the material later.
- Making flashcards: Making flashcards helps you memorize facts, definitions, terms, formulas, and more. You can use paper or digital flashcards, or use online tools like [Quizlet] or [Anki].
- Doing quizzes and practice tests: Doing quizzes and practice tests helps you assess your knowledge, identify your gaps, improve your test-taking skills, and simulate the exam conditions. You can use online tools like [KMK Optometry] or [Optoprep], or use books like Nbeo Part II Study Guide or [Optometry Boards Part 2 Study Guide].
- Reviewing cases and scenarios: Reviewing cases and scenarios helps you apply your knowledge, analyze data, solve problems, make decisions, and manage patients. You can use books like [Clinical Optometry: A Textbook for Students and Practitioners] or [Clinical Cases in Eye Care], or use online sources like [Review of Optometry] or [Clinical Optometry].
- Discussing with peers and mentors: Discussing with peers and mentors helps you clarify your doubts, exchange ideas, learn from others, and get feedback. You can join online forums like [Reddit] or [Student Doctor Network], or join study groups with your classmates or colleagues.
- Review and revise regularly
- Reviewing and revising regularly helps you consolidate your memory, reinforce your learning, and prevent forgetting. You should review and revise the material you have studied at different intervals, such as after each session, each week, each month, and before the exam.
Some tips for reviewing and revising regularly are:
- Use the spaced repetition technique: This technique involves reviewing the material at increasing intervals based on how well you remember it. You can use online tools like [Anki] or [SuperMemo] to implement this technique.
- Use the testing effect: This effect refers to the phenomenon that testing yourself on the material improves your memory more than just restudying it. You can use online tools like [KMK Optometry] or [Optoprep], or use books like Nbeo Part II Study Guide or [Optometry Boards Part 2 Study Guide] to test yourself on the material.
- Use the interleaving technique: This technique involves mixing up different topics or types of questions when reviewing the material. This helps you avoid getting bored, improve your mental flexibility, and enhance your ability to transfer knowledge across domains.
- Use the elaboration technique: This technique involves explaining the material in your own words, using examples, analogies, diagrams, or other methods to make it more meaningful and memorable.
- Take care of yourself
- Studying for the NBEO Part II exam can be stressful and exhausting. You need to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally to maintain your health and well-being. You should also balance your study time with other activities that make you happy and relaxed.
Some tips for taking care of yourself are:
- Eat well: Eating well helps you nourish your body, boost your energy, and improve your mood. You should eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of water.
- Sleep well: Sleeping well helps you rest your brain, consolidate your memory, and enhance your performance. You should aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night, and avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or screens before bedtime.
- Exercise well: Exercising well helps you strengthen your muscles, improve your circulation, and release endorphins. You should do at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing.
- Relax well: Relaxing well helps you calm your nerves, reduce your stress, and increase your happiness. You should do some activities that make you feel good every day, such as meditating, breathing deeply, listening to music, reading a book, watching a show, playing a game, or spending time with friends and family.

The NBEO Part II exam is a crucial step in your optometry career. It requires a lot of preparation and dedication to pass it successfully. By following these tips and using these resources, you can improve your chances of acing this exam and becoming a competent optometrist. Good luck!